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Soil Moisture Sensor

Soil Moisture Sensor

Regular price ₦1,800.00 NGN
Regular price Sale price ₦1,800.00 NGN
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Moisture Sensor

Moisture Sensor is a simple breakout for measuring the moisture in soil and similar materials. The soil moisture sensor is pretty straight forward to use.The Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to measure the water content of soil (by measuring the dielectric permittivity of the soil, which is a function of the water content). The two large exposed pads function as probes for the sensor, together acting as a variable resistor. The more water that is in the soil means the better the conductivity between the pads will be and will result in a lower resistance, and a higher SIG out.

Technical Specification

  • Range: 0 to 45% volumetric water content in soil (capable of 0 to 100% VWC with alternate calibration)
  • Accuracy: ±4% typical
  • Typical Resolution: 0.1%
  • Power: 3 mA at 5VDC
  • Operating temperature: –40°C to +60°C
  • Dimensions: 8.9 cm × 1.8 cm × 0.7 cm (active sensor length 5 cm)
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