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Biometric/RFID Clocking Terminal

Biometric/RFID Clocking Terminal

Regular price ₦0.00 NGN
Regular price Sale price ₦0.00 NGN
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This is about 7 inch wide terminal with a 2.8 inch display, an RFID andfingerprint reader. It supports both wifi and ethernet connectivity. it alsosupports an optional camera.


1\. Enterprise Readybackend software (can be embedded inside this device) with web-interface forUser registration, reporting and administration.

2\. Userconfigurability. the entire application is user configurable including supportfor the definition of extra tables and fields. A report designer also enableusers to design and generate arbitrary types of reports with user designedlayouts. ID Card printing is also supported.


3\.Trigger/Alert feature. this enables an administrator to set certain criteriaof interest and he will get an email or sms alert when met. for example he maywant to see certain reports at the end of every month. or he want anotification when up to 3 members of his department are late.


4\. Access Control

Our new terminals supports variouskinds of electronic locks including EM locks. the back end has also beenupgraded to include access control permissions and logging.


5\. User Control

Our Admin interface supports multiple users andgroups. Permissions to database entities can be assigned at user or grouplevel. this ensures a fine grained level of data access control.


6\. AFIS support.

Our system can also be used forautomatic fingerprint identification especially in the government sector whereghost workers are a problem.

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